AED T-shirts and Meeting
Jan 28, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you all know that the t-shirts have come in for paid members. You can pick them up in Mrs. Sheehan's office.

Also as a reminder, on Tuesday, January 29, at 6:00, the speaker will be Dr. Eubanks from the medical school in New Orleans. Please dress in professional attire.

Anyone ( sophomore or higher ) that would like to be a National AED member needs to fill out an application and bring it, along with a $50 application fee, to Mrs. Sheehan before March 1. Anyone who wants to be an AED officer must be a National member.

All graduating seniors in the winter or spring quarters need to email Ms. Sheehan at before March 1 so that we can purchase cords to wear at graduation. AED will be buying the cords for them using local dues.

Multicultural Affairs Meeting
Nov 05, 2007

Medical students from Shreveport will be at Grambling on Thursday, November 8, at 5:00 to discuss the programs of the Office of Multicultural Affairs. If you are interested in any of these, plan on attending this meeting. It will be in Room 118 of the Science Building.

Our next meeting will be in December, after the new quarter begins. If you have any ideas for guest speakers, let the officers or Mrs. Sheehan know.

Have a nice quarter break!!!

New Orleans Tour
Oct 25, 2007

Thank you for your interest and support of the tour day Friday, November 9th. The program will begin at 2:00 PM. We will gather informally and serve refreshments in the 2nd floor foyer of the MEB. The students will then see a Power Point presentation in a lecture room followed by a panel discussion. Following the presentation, our medical students will lead tours of the facilities on campus including, the residence halls, the new state-of-the-art fitness center, laboratories and the library.

There is a pre-pay parking lot on the corner of Gravier and South Roman streets that takes three $1 bills. There is also metered parking on the street. I suggest that you carpool as parking is not overly abundant.

DIRECTIONS: Due to construction, the only entrance to the Medical Education Building is through the Allied Health/ Nursing Building located at 1900 Gravier Street. Take the elevators to the 3rd floor. Adjacent to the elevator lobby is a large student lounge; proceed through this area, staying to the right as you leave the lounge. You will now be in the Medical Education Building.Continue down the hallway until you arrive at a bank of elevators, where you will go down to the 2nd floor lobby where we will serve refreshments prior to the program.

Mock Interview
Oct 22, 2007

Dr. Kennedy will be conducting mock interviews with two of your fellow AED members this Thursday, October 25th. Please come in your professional attire. The interview will begin promptly at 6:30 PM.

Kaplan and Princeton Review Meeting
Oct 3, 2007

On October 18 at 6:30 we will have a meeting with representatives from Kaplan and the Princeton Review. They will be discussing their test preparation programs. Please e-mail Ms. Sheehan at before October 12 to let her know if you will be attending, because Kaplan will be providing hoagie sandwiches.

Dr. Kennedy, Guest Speaker from LSUHSC
Oct 3, 2007

Our next meeting will be on October 4th at 6:30 in CTH 328. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Kennedy from the LSU-Health Sciences Center in Shreveport.

AED is a pre-professional society; therefore we are humbly requesting that its members and visitors attend the meetings dressed accordingly, in professional attire. The meeting on Thursday, October 4th will be the first of several meetings this year that will require professional attire. We hope to show those who visit us here at Tech that we are serious about our career paths.

Guys: At least a tie and slacks
Girls: Dress, skirt, or pants