ARTICLE I: Name, Object, Motto, Insignia

Section 1
This organization shall be called Alpha Epsilon Delta. It shall function as a Premedical Honor Society.

Section 2
The mission of the society is to promote academic excellence and provide service:

1. To encourage excellence in premedical scholarship
2. To stimulate an appreciation of the importance of premedical education in the study of medicine.
3. To promote cooperation and contacts between medical and premedical students and educators in developing an adequate program of premedical education.
4. To bind together similarly interested students.
5. To provide service for the benefit of health organizations, charities, and the community.

Section 3
The motto is incorporated in the name: Alpha Epsilon Delta  Truth I Pursue.

Section 4
The insignia of this society shall consist of:

1. A hexagonal key or pin, on the face of which shall be inscribed AED in a longitudinal column. The shape, reminiscent of the benzene ring, indicates the marked leaning of this order toward the study of organic chemistry.

2. A coat-of-arms consisting of the:

• Crest: An open book debruised by a death's head above a wreath of the colors.
• Arms: A silver shield bearing a black caduceus below a red Greek cross.
The shield is surmounted by an esquire's helmet and draped with a mantling of scroll work.
• Motto: Alpha Epsilon Delta in upper and lower case Greek letters.


3. A seal consisting of an outlined benzene ring surrounded by a paneled border, containing the words: “Alpha Epsilon Delta Founded 1926.”

4. A cloth patch bearing the coat-of-arms of this Society.

Section 5
The colors shall be red and violet.

Section 6
The flower shall be the red rose.

Section 7
Upon dissolution of the Society for any reason whatsoever and the discharge of its debts and the settlement of its affairs, any funds and property of the Society thereafter shall be conveyed to the American Medical Association Education and Research Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, for use in the advancement of medical education in the area covered by this Society.

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1
This society shall consist of student members and honorary members duly elected by an active chapter. Honorary members are those members of the educational or professional field whom the chapter wishes to honor with membership. A Student Member becomes an AED alumnus upon graduation. Honorary members enjoy full membership privileges.

Section 2
The requirements for student membership shall be:

1. The student shall be engaged in courses leading to the study of medicine.

2. The student shall have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of premedical work with a general scholastic average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for “A” and also with an average of 3.0 in the sciences (BCPM).

3. Character, general ability and personality must be considered carefully in the selection of every member.

4. Any student with a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for “A” for at least two semesters or three quarters transferring from a school to one with an active chapter will be scholastically eligible for membership after the completion of one semester or two quarters at the new school. The grade-point-average used to determine scholastic eligibility at the new school will be determined by averaging all grades from both the old and new schools (and all science grades from both schools in determining the science average). Otherwise, a transfer student must comply with paragraph (2) of this section before being eligible for membership.

5. Members shall be elected without any discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, creed or national origin.
Section 3
Election shall be by a favorable vote of at least three-fourths of the student membership at a regular meeting of the chapter.

Section 4
Immediately following each initiation the Membership Record Form and national membership fee for each initiate must be remitted (one check for all) to and acknowledged by the National Office.

Section 5
Membership cards and certificates shall be issued by the National Secretary at the time of registration.

Section 6
Any member of one chapter may become affiliated with another chapter by presentation of a transfer certificate from his or her own chapter.

Section 7
Expulsion of members from the individual chapters shall be determined by the chapter. Notification of such expulsion must be forwarded immediately to the National Secretary.

ARTICLE III: National Administration

Section 1
The units of Alpha Epsilon Delta shall be the National Officers and the local chapters holding charters issued by the National Officers. The National Office of the Society shall be located in the office of the National Secretary.

Section 2
The government of the Society shall be vested in the National Convention and in the National Officers. The National Officers shall be the ruling body during the period intervening between conventions and may hold meetings as necessary upon the call of the National President. Three-fourths vote of the chapters may recall any action of the National Officers.

Section 3
The National Officers shall consist of five officers to govern the activities of the Society. Alumni and honorary members are eligible for election to this body. The terms of office shall be for two years or until the duly elected successors have taken office. Elections shall be held at each convention.

Section 4
The National Officers shall issue Charters to the local chapters subject to approval by 6 of the 10 National Officers and Regional Directors. These Charters must bear the seal of the society and the signatures of the National Officers. The charter shall read as follows:



We, the NATIONAL OFFICERS governing the Society by reason of our belief
in the worth and merit of: _______________ do hereby incorporate and establish them into a Chapter under the name and title of ______________

We hereby commit to this Chapter, the honor, integrity, and ideals of this Society.
Given under our hand and seal this the _____ day of _____, 19___, the _____ year of the Society.

_____________________ ______________________
National President National Secretary
_____________________ ______________________
National Vice-President National Treasurer

(Ribbon and Seal) ______________________
National Councilor


Section 5
A National Officer may be removed from office by a three-fourths majority vote of the National Officers or by three-fourths vote of the active chapters.

Section 6
In case of a vacancy of a National Officer due to removal, resignation, death or any other cause, the National Officers shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy.

ARTICLE IV: National Officers

Section 1
The National Officers shall consist of the following:

• National President
• National Vice-President
• National Secretary-Historian
• National Treasurer
• National Councilor

ARTICLE V: Duties of National Officers

Section 1
The National Officers shall exercise general supervision of all chapters.

Section 2
The National President shall preside at all national conventions, sign all deeds, bonds, and other legal instruments for the Society, affix the seal of the Society to all charters, membership certificates and other instruments requiring the seal. The President shall sign all membership certificates and charters, keep well informed of the activities of the various chapters, and be the chief director of all expansion.

Section 3
The National Vice-President shall assume the duties of the National President in the absence of the latter. The Vice-President shall assist the National President in making official visits to the chapters and aid in the expansion of the Society.

Section 4
The National Secretary-Historian shall keep an accurate record of each convention and submit copies of the minutes to each chapter after the convention. The Secretary shall sign all membership certificates and membership cards, keep a record of the individual membership of all members submitted at the time of initiation or installation, and will have the power of national corresponding officer. The Secretary shall keep in his office all records of the Society, which shall be accessible at all times to those interested.

Section 5
The National Treasurer shall receive all funds of the Society and shall be responsible for the same. The Treasurer shall be under bond of sufficient amount to insure the funds of the Society as determined by the National Officers. The records of the National Treasurer shall be audited by a certified public accountant just prior to each convention. The auditor's report shall be presented to the convention and copies later sent to each chapter.

Section 6
The National Councilor shall act as an advisor to the National President and assist in the expansion of the Society. The Councilor shall give prompt and careful attention to all matters of the Society which may be presented.

Section 7
The National Office, located in the office of the National Secretary-Historian, shall receive all correspondence between local chapters and the National Officers. All national membership fees and orders with the fees for items available through the Office shall be sent to it. It shall be responsible for the national publicity of the Society and for all Society publications.

ARTICLE VI: Convention

Section 1
A national convention shall be held biennially.

Section 2
The time and place of meeting shall be determined by the National Officers.

Section 3
Each chapter shall be represented at the convention by one official delegate to be elected by the chapter. A delegate may be any student or honorary member officially registered in the National Society.

Section 4
The voting members of a convention shall be the official chapter delegates.

Section 5
Two or more National Officers and one-half of the chapters shall constitute a quorum.

Section 6
The expenses of the delegates shall be paid by the individual chapters, but the National Treasurer shall pay to the official chapter delegate during the convention an amount to be announced by the National Treasurer prior to the convention if funds will permit. The expenses of the National Officers shall be paid by the National Treasury.

ARTICLE VII: Chapter Organization and Government

Section 1
A premedical group of high scholastic standing in a four-year degree-granting college or university accredited by appropriate regional accrediting agency may petition for a charter of membership in the
society. Before the petition is circulated, a chapter near the petitioning group must recommend its acceptance. The petition must be accompanied by letters of recommendation from two science faculty members and from the president or dean of the college or university.

Six (6) of the ten (10) National Officers and Regional Directors must approve the petition before the charter may be granted. If a petitioning group does not receive the necessary approval, they may petition the National Office for reconsideration. If the National Office approves the petition, a vote shall be held on a national basis in which all active chapters vote. Three-fourths of the chapters must approve the petition before the charter may be granted.

Section 2
The members of the petitioning chapter shall pay the regular fees for student and honorary members, and a charter fee. The National Treasury shall pay the expenses of the officers assigned to install the chapter.

Section 3
Procedure of installation shall be determined by the National President.

Section 4
Each chapter shall be governed by a set of Bylaws which will abide by the Constitution of the Society and contain no laws in contravention of the Bylaws of the National Society.

Section 5
Chapter Officers. The officers of the chapter shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian and Chapter Advisor. These shall be selected during the second semester or after the middle of the winter term at some specific time established by each chapter. The term of office shall be for one year.

Section 6
A charter may be revoked by a two-thirds majority vote of the chapters upon recommendation of the National Officers which it has been proven that the chapter has violated the laws of the Society. Any chapter which has held no election, nor initiation of new members, nor reported such initiations to the National Office for a period of three years may be declared inactive by the National Officers of the Society. Any chapter which fails to send a delegate to at least one of three consecutive conventions of the Society shall be dropped from the listing of active chapters unless due cause shall be shown why the chapter has not participated in the national affairs of the Society. Any chapter which fails to submit reports, financial or otherwise, to and\or required by the National Office may be declared inactive by the National Officers.

Section 7
A report of the activities of the chapter for the past biennium including a statement of finances and the exact number of persons initiated (student and honorary members) must be completed in triplicate just prior to each convention by the chapter Historian and signed by the chapter advisor, the original and first copy to be submitted to the Regional Director at the convention, and the other copy filed in the chapter records.


Section 8
Upon dissolution of any chapter for any reason whatsoever, after the discharge of its debts and settlement of its affairs, all assets and property of the chapter shall be conveyed to the Society for use in the promotion of the objectives of the Society in the advancement of premedical education.

ARTICLE VIII: Amendments

Section 1
Any National Officer, chapter or chapter delegate to a convention may propose an amendment. To become part of the Constitution the amendment must pass by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members of the convention, and be ratified by two-thirds of the active chapters voting within 30 days of the time the amendments are sent to them by the National Secretary. Votes not returned within the 30 day period will be considered favorable.




Section 1
As set by the National Officers in accordance with Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution.

Section 2
The National Membership fee shall include an assessment for the Moore Scholarship Endowment Fund.

ARTICLE II: Publications

Section 1
The official publication of the Society shall be called THE SCALPEL, an educational journal for the members. At least two issues shall be published each year.

ARTICLE III: Election and Initiation

Section 1
Upon election to membership, each member-elect shall be sent a letter by the Secretary of the chapter. This letter should contain information on the following points:

1. Notification of election to membership in Alpha Epsilon Delta
2. Object of the Society
3. Instruction for filling out the membership record
4. Fees
5. Date and time of initiation
6. Address of chapter President, Secretary, and Chapter Advisor in case the member-elect wishes further information concerning the Society
7. Enclosures
• Card of acceptance to be filled out and returned by member-elect.
• Addressed and stamped envelope.
• One membership record to be filled out and returned to the chapter Secretary before initiation. (A sample letter giving this information will be furnished by the National Secretary on request of the chapter.)

Section 2
Initiation Ceremony  At the time and place specified for the initiation, the candidates shall be assembled and initiated into Alpha Epsilon Delta as prescribed in The Ritual, which shall be up to the discretion of the individual chapter to implement.

ARTICLE IV: Chapter Meetings

Section 1
Chapter meetings should be held not less than once a month.

ARTICLE V: Amendments

Section 1
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the members of a convention.