Pre-Medicine and Pre-Dentistry at Louisiana Tech University

If your goal is a career in medicine, dentistry, or other health occupation, Louisiana Tech University can help prepare you for entrance to professional school. 

What will my major be?
Your major emphasis of study in preparation for entry to professional school is important.  However, contrary to what you may have heard, there is NO particular major that is required.  It is not necessary for a student to choose a major in science.  However, experience has shown, that most applicants to professional school have completed a science-oriented major.

"Can't I just major in 'Pre-Med'?" 
Not exactly.  Tech's governing board has wisely determined that it is to your advantage to graduate with a degree in some academic program such as biology, chemistry, medical technology, etc. rather than pre-anything.

What are the requirements for entrance to professional school?
The minimum requirements for entrance to most medical and dental schools are: general biology with lab (8 hours) general chemistry with lab (8), organic chemistry with lab (8), general physics with lab (8), mathematics, and English. There may be additional courses required by particular schools; check websites!! Furthermore, most schools have a substantial list of courses that are RECOMMENDED prior to admission.

Are the entrance requirements included in my major?
Within the School of Biological Sciences there are two concentrations (Biological Sciences and Applied Biology) that lead to a bachelor’s degree in biology. The requirements for many (but not all) medical and dental schools have been incorporated into the Biological Sciences concentration. The Applied Biology concentration may fulfill the prerequisites for some pre-professional schools other than medicine and dentistry. It is the student's responsibility to obtain the catalog, or Web printout, from the respective professional school and inform the Tech faculty advisor so that a “customized” plan can be made.

What else is required for admission?
In addition to the prerequisite courses mentioned above, students are required to complete the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Dental Admission Test (DAT), or other pre-professional exam.  In preparation for these tests, the student is advised to take a rigorous selection of science courses including genetics, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, histology, and ecology.

Basic Requirements for all medical schools