Check out this interview that we did at competition in April!
Jeremy Kirby (senior - Mechanical Engineering) and Courtney Jennings (junior - Chemical Engineering) chat with Engineering Explained about their Urban Concept vehicles.

The Fall 2013 Eco-Car interest meeting was a blast! Over 50 students attended and around 20 stayed after for a fun Carbon Fiber activity. We took turns spreading resin on sheets of Carbon Fiber and laying them on squares of foam. It was the first time many of the students had ever worked with Carbon Fiber, and they all did a great job. We hope to see everyone back down in the room soon!

Things are about to get kicking for the Eco-Car team this year! Our room in Bogard is in the process of being overhauled in preparation for a soon to be busy schedule. Here's a little sneak peek of some new decorations. Enjoy!
A great day of testing. We ran the Roadster and Hot Rod to check for any problems. It was a fun day with the team while still getting some work done. We figured out that our clutches need an overhaul.

While carrying the car to the painter for a quick priming, we came across this Smart Car. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to show off our cars size.